Academics | Golden Bells Academy

Get the most appropriate education

Golden Bells Academy focuses on rich curriculum to provide excellent education to students all around the area.

Practical Knowledge
Along with regular textbook knowledge, Practical knowledge is imparted to the students. Real-world examples with real world knowledge is what is required by the modern society.
Continuous Evaluation
We follow a process of continuous evaluation, in which a student is evaluated daily, weekly and monthly. All the results are accumulated into one and report is generated.
Academic Events
Academic events such as Book Fair events, Handwriting competitions, Essay writing competitions, and more are carried out every now and then for the students.
Digital Learning
Along with the regular on premise classNamees, Online education is also provided exclusively for the students of Golden Bells Academy students so that they can learn from wherever they want and whenever they want.

Everything you need

All-in-one platform

Golden Bells Academy provides an All-in-one platform for the students to learn at their pace.

Class Tests
Weekly Class tests to assess whether the student is performing well. Performance reports are directly sent to parents.
Unit Tests
After completion of every chapter, unit tests are carried out. Students are assessed on the basis of each chapter.
Half Yearly Examination
After the completion of 6 months, Half yearly examinations are carried out to assess half of the syllabus
Semester System
The curriculum is divided into three semesters. Every semester determines the progress of the student in 1/3rd of the syllabus.
Weekly and daily assignments on current topics which are taught in the classNamees.
Academic Events
Book fair events, handwriting competitions and more to enhance academic skills of the students.
Mentoring and Assessments
Expert mentoring from subject matter experts with constant evaluation of the student.
Detailed reports on the tests taken by the student, monthly parents-teachers meetings are also carried out.

Stay on top of with Golden Bells Online Learning Platform

Golden Bells Academy provides an online learning platform where the students can watch videos, solve assignments and get detailed reports on their doubts, assesments and queries. Login with your credentials to access the platform.

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